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Мовознавство > Фонетичний мінімум

Which is the yellowest month of the year? Guess, guess.

April’s the yellowest month of the year? Yes, yes!

The farm

(By Archibald Madeish)

Who do you listen, trees?

Why do you wait?

Why do you fumble at the breeze –


With hopeless fluttering hands –

Stare down the vanished road beyond the gate

That no longer stands?

[ ]

measure, pleasure, leisure

vision, decision, invasion

mirage, garage, rouge

His pleasure and joy knew no measure.

After much persuasion she took a decision.

A mirage is an illusion.

On the Sand

(By Alfred H.Miles)

Digging for treasure?

Hay, not a bit of it.

Digging for pleasure?

Aye, there’s a wilt of it.

Digging for treasure,

We dig all day.

With never a measure

For labour day.

Digging for pleasure,

We surely earn

A spadeful of treasure

At every turn.


see, say, sit

miss, pass, class

sweet, swim, switch

It makes no sence.

I can’t accept such a poor excuse.

Pete’s numerous absences from school must be stopped.

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea

To see what he could see, see, see,

Bud all that he could see, see, see

Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea.

[ ]

these, those, they

either, neither, rather

with, bathe, booth

The less men think, the more they talk.

They couldn’t tell one brother from another.

You never know with the weater.

The more we study, the more we kno,

The more we know, the more we forget.

The more we forget, the less we know.

The less we know, the less we forget.

The less we forget, the more we know.

We study?


let, look, life, little

help, health, clever, clean

people, shall, tell.

All is well that ends well.

The girl doesn’t feet well.

The child is old enough to go to school.

Little Lady Lily lost her lovely locket.

Lucky little Lucy found the lovely locket.

Lovely little locket lay in Lucy’s pocket.

Lazy little Lily lost her lovely locket.


peace, happy, lip, speak

part, poppy, top, spell

Present company excepted.

Stop playing Pantaloon.

Pat’s as proud as a peacock.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

A peck of pickled peppers. Peter Piper picked.

It Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

A Dialogue

How do you do? I’m Parker…

How do you do? Barker.


Oh, Parker with a “P”.

With a “P”, yes.

Er… I’m Barker.

A. Barker with a “B”, of course.

B. A “B”, yes.

A. Ah.

B. Mm.

Er… well, good bye, Barker,

Good – bye, Parker.


boy, cab, about, obtain, cabman

ball, sob, hobby, sobbed

Barbara is as busy as a bee.

Bob lives at the back of beyond.

Bob is a big bug.

Betty bought a bit of butter,

But the butter was bitter.

When she put it in her batter.

And the batter became bitter.

And the batter became bitter.

Then she bought some better butter,

Better butter, oh, dear.

A Dialogue

Seven days old! She’s a lovely baby!

She’s a beautiful baby!

And she is a clever baby!

She is a very clever baby!

However her vocabulary isn’t so big.

Il isn’t very big, no.

Not very big.

But it’s big for a baby of her age.


take, kettle, best, tail

minute, forty, table, blunt

1. I gave him lit for tat.

2. It’s a pity he is so timid.

3. That will take time.

4. The train is twenty minutes behind the time.

5. I don’t want to take this toast.

6. Two tired teachers were trying to turn their attention to the time-table.

Timothy Trotter trots to town.

To shop for his pet rabbit.

Lettuce he buys and carrot tops.

For that’s his weekly habbit.


dog, said, ready, couldn’t

date, bad, leader, bad, dog, hidden

1. The kid’s as good as gold.

2. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

3. Dumb dogs are dangerous.

The Time – Table of Lazy-Bones Grundy

Lazy – bones Grundy

Must do sums on Monday,

“And today it is Tuesday,

Says Lazy-bones Grundy,

“So I’ll do it on Wednesday,

If not, then on Thursday,

Or even on Friday”.

Says Lazy – bones Grundy.

Now, very soon comes Friday

And Saturday comes,

But Lazy-bones Gruendy

Has no time for sums.

“Never mind”, says Grundy,

“I’ll do it on Sunday”.

A Dialogue

Many we play in the mud, Mother?

Don’t you dare play there!

Father doesn’t mind we play in the mud, Mother.

Father doesn’t wash your dirty clothes, dear.

[m], [n]

me, my, miss

him, sum, some

seems, times, rooms

1. Many men, many minds.

2. Time what may.

3. The name slipped my memory.

no, nor, near

in, on, sun, son

since, aunt, sent, went

ninth, tenth, in the

1. No sooner said than done.

2. In need men know their friends.

3. Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.

If many men knew what many men know,

If many men went where many men go,

If many men did what many men do,

The world would be better, I think so, don’t you?

[ ]

sing, sang, song

singing, longing, learing

think, ankle, monkey,

1. Thanks for calling.

2. Everything’s going wrong.

3. Anything’s better than going on doing nothing.

I was going along, along, along,

Singing a comical song, song, song.

The lane that I went was so long

And the song that I sang was so long

And so I want singing along.

Назва: Фонетичний мінімум
Дата публікації: 2005-03-07 (2129 прочитано)


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