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≤ноземна мова > Hippocrates Ч the Father of Medicine

Hippocrates Ч the Father of Medicine

One of the most honoured names in medicine is the name of the Hippocrates. He is often called the Father of Medicine. He was born in 460 or 459 B. C. (before Christ) on a small island of Cos near Greece. He studied and lived for a long period in Athens.

His contemporaries considered him the wisest and the greatest physician. Hippoerates was the head of the most flourishing medical school of nis age. He had many pupils and spread his teaching through≠out the Greek world and even beyond.

Hippocrates was the author of hundred or more books in which he described his ideas, methods, and medical procedures.

The Hippocratic doctrines regard closely observations of the patients. The physician should study all that can see, feel and hear in the patient He must closely examine the body of the patient, study his respiration and learn his evacuations (sweat, urine and others)-.

Hippocrates paid much attention to making an accurate prognosis of diseases. His work of "On Prognostics" teaches that only a physician who makes an accurate prognosis can acquire the confidence of the patient.

Hippocrates noted the effect of food, occupation and especially climate in causing diseases and he advised the physician to observe the water supply, the nature of the soil, the prevaling winds and the habits of the people in an unfamiliar town.

Hippocrates taught that healing comes through the power of natu≠ral forces of the human organism. He proposed for the treatment to aid nature in its healing power. According to Hippocrates the body has the means of cure within itself.

Hippocrates advises for the treatment to use proper diet, gymnas≠tics, exercise, message and sea bathing.

He recommends to take less food at the height of disease and to use a liquid diet in feverish.

From the beverages he recommends a honey-vinegar, a paste of barley or flour and a wine in small doses. Among purgatives were used milk (especially asses milk), decoction of melon, cabbage and other plants, often mixed with honey.

As narcotics were taken belladonna, opium, mandragora, etc. Remedies for external use were practiced: vinegar, olive oil, and wine. They were applied in compresses, irrigations and in treatment of wounds.

And the final aim of Hippocratic therapy is to begin treatment at the right moment, to assist the human organism to increase its energy and to combat the disease. In this period he recommends to use proper diet, hygienic measures and the prescriptions, individualized for each case.

√≥ппократ Ц батько медицини

ќдне з найв≥дом≥ших ≥мен у медицин≥, ≥мТ¤ √≥ппократа. …ого часто називають батьком медицини. ¬≥н народивс¤ у 460 чи 59 р. ƒо н.е. на невеличкому остров≥  ос поблизу √рец≥њ.

¬≥н вчивс¤ ≥ жив прот¤гом усього довго пер≥оду в јф≥нах.

¬≥н був л≥карем з сучасними погл¤дами. √≥ппократ був головою найб≥льш в≥домих медичних шк≥л у той час. ¬≥н мав багато учн≥в ≥ поширював вченн¤ у √рец≥њ.

√≥ппократ був автором багатьох крижок у ¤ких в≥н описував його прац≥, дол≥ди ≥ медичн≥ процедури.

√≥ппократ прид≥л¤в увагу докладному обстеженню пац≥Їнта, вивчав його диханн¤ ≥ нервову систему.

√≥ппократ прид≥л¤в увагу робл¤чи прогнози свого д≥агнозу. …ого робота У” прогнозуванн≥Ф вивчала не лише хвороби, але й зм≥ни, що в≥дбувалис¤ в орган≥зм≥ людини.

√≥ппократ записував результати до ¤ких в≥н приходив при огл¤д≥ хворого. –обота була вдалою. ¬≥н л≥кував використовуючи природн≥ засоби.

¬≥н рекомендував брати л≥сов≥ трави ≥ робити з них настойки. —еред продукт≥в харчуванн¤ використовували осл¤че молоко, в≥двари ≥ де¤к≥ м≥кстури.

як наркотичн≥ засоби приймати ≥ беладонну, оп≥ум ≥ ≥н. «асоби з зовн≥шн≥м використанн¤м: оцет оливка, ол≥¤, ≥ вино. ¬они давали кращ≥ ≥ швидш≥ результати дл¤ одужанн¤.

≤ останньою метою √≥ппократа було л≥кувати у р≥зн≥ способи захворюванн¤ ≥ не дати потрапити збуднику в орган≥зм людини.

” цей пер≥од в≥н рекомендуЇ вживати д≥Їти, засоби г≥г≥Їни ≥ рецепти та ≥ндив≥дуальн≥ засоби.

1.What is Hippocrates?

to be the famous physician' and scientist; to live before Christ in Greece: to be the head of the most flourishing medical school; to shave many pupils; to spread his teaching through the Greek world and even beyonb; to be the author of hundred and more medical books.

2. How is Hippocrates often called?

the Father of Medicine.

3. What kind of physician did his contemporaries consider Hippocrates?

the wisest and the greatest physician.

4. What do the Hippocratic doctrines regard?

closely observations of the patients; to examine closely the patient's body; (o study his respiration and to learn his evacuations.

5. What does Hippocratic work of "On Prognostics" teach?

a physician Ч to make an accurate prognosis; can acquire the confidence of the patient.

6. What did Hippocrates note during the effect of food, occupation and climate?

in causing diseases; to advise the physician tk observe the water supply, the nature of soil, the prevaling winds and the habits o: the people in an unfamiliar town.

7. How did Hippocrates teach about healing?

healing Ч to come through the power of natural forces of the human organism; to aid the nature in its "healing power.

8. What did he advise for the treatment?

to use the proper diet, gymnastics, exercise, massage and sea bathing.

9. What did he recommend regarding food and beverages?

to take less food at the height of disease; to use a liquid diet in feverish; to drink a honey-vinegar, a paste of barley or flour and a wine in small doses.

10. What purgatives were used?

milk, especially asses milk, decoction of melon, cabbage and other plants, often mixed with honey.


Ќазва: Hippocrates Ч the Father of Medicine
ƒата публ≥кац≥њ: 2005-02-17 (791 прочитано)


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